The Perrys is an innovative website has established itself as the most comprehensive and outstanding service for new, used cars and vans on the web. They are very organised and the place to be if you are looking for great deals on purchasing a car or van.
Perrys would appeal to anyone, technical background or not, because it is simple and very effective. The layout is very nice, plus it is simple and there is not too much text on the first page which also comforts the reader. The way it is written is great, it actually feels as if the writer is talking to you in a friendly way. The design is excellent- simple and to the point. There is just the right amount of graphics on the site.
There are abundace of information on each car, model and make and it's very to navigate in the site for first time users. As you will see on their first page, the layout is simple and straight to the point. There are 3 drop-down boxes provided and that's all you need to find what you are looking at. The first one is on "Search for a Vehicle" where you can choose the type you are looking for (car or van) and other related information and specs easily. The second is very useful service whereby you can find any dealers nearest to your town or city. The even provide you options by map or by make, I am very impressed with the effort they put in to provide us the best service and options to choose our desired car. Don't forget to search for hot deals on their third drop-down box, which is a great way to get the best deal for your purchase.
While visiting and navigating in Perrys, I found a few very interesting information that I would like to share with all of you. Firstly on Vauxhall Insignia Car of the Year 2009. It is a fantastic car and well deserved winner receiving an impressive 321 votes. You can read more on this car here , a very powerful and impressive looking car.
Besides that, there was also the winner of Best Car for Learners award, Vauxhall Corsa . According to Road Safety Professionals and Driving Instructors, Vauxhall Corsa is Britian's Training Car of the year and also a very well deserved winner. And it’s for the fourth consecutive time in this category.
Also don't forget to join a competition held by Perrys from now until the Christmas. Perrys Vauxhall on Crostons Road is challenging its customers to get up to speed with their Highway Code in a competition that you shouldn't miss. All you need to do is be the fastest in achieving the highest score in a Highway Code theory test to win £100 of vouchers to spend at Mill Gate Shopping Centre. To take part in this exciting competition, you need to head down to the Vauxhall dealer on Crostons Road and test your knowledge. Get there fast!
The design is very consistent throughout all of the pages- clean and easy to read. Well done! The load time of the page is quite fast and I did not find any typos or broken links, just very well written information and mind-blowing graphics! Navigating on AFS is very smooth and easy.
Overall a great site with not only great design but excellent content as well. Great job to everyone involved.